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Сигма-Профи Технолоджи |
Blog "SIGMA-PROFI" in Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/@sigmaprofi /
Our photos in Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/sigmaprofi/
Our video channel on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/pscsigmaprofi/
Page of the company on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pscsigmaprofi/
Our job at HeadHunter - http://www.hh.ru/employer/230470
Another of our video channel on RuTube - http://www.rutube.ru/video/person/335606/
Photo albums on the service Yandeks.Fotki - http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/pscsigmaprofi/
We on the information portal AllChop - http://www.allchop.ru/chops/item/9/1/
Subsidiary «Sigma-Profi Technology» - http://www.spt-sb.ru/