Private security company SIGMA-PROFI has a
logotype which reflects company name and presents a fusion of two Latin letters«S» and «P» that stand
for words Sigma and Profi accordingly. Type of company service (Private
security company, Consulting, Training
Center) can be
additionally marked in the right bottom corner.
Each of our uniformed employees wears a special company chevron on the left shoulder. That is a black circle with a white logotype ЧОП (Private Security Company in Russian) and the words "ЧАСТНОЕ ОХРАННОЕ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЕ"written in red on the chevron’s side. Over the logo there is a part of company slogan: «...оберегая свободу ’protecting freedom’...».
Stickers at the patronized objects
There are special stickers shaped as our chevrons with additional line:” THIS OBJECT IS GUARDED” and our internet site address on every object, patronised by our company.